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(A Crimson Guardsman.  Area of operations: Unknown)



Crimson Guard


Cobra Crimson Guard operative


E-4 (or equivalent)


Undercover Espionage


Accounting, Demolition


Beginning in 2004, Cobra began to deploy Crimson Guards with combat shotguns instead of the usual rifle with bayonet.


Cobra Elite Trooper




Any, typically urban


     The Crimson Guard troopers are elite shock troopers of the Cobra legions.  Each must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being at the top physical condition, after rigorous training in Cobra combat and tactics.  Each "Siegie" undergoes plastic surgery so that each trooper will look similar.  Final stages of training take place in the deepest recesses of Cobra Headquarters and is purported to involve an initiation ceremony too hideous for description.  Afterward, each is given their new assignment: a new life, in a new city.

     Crimson Guard troops are too precious to be wasted on the conventional battlefield and are instead expected to become valued members of the community, to climb the political and corporate ladder into positions of importance.  Forming this force is thought to be one of the first actions of Cobra Commander after he formed Cobra, the "Siegie" network may have been in place already for more than ten years.  At least two, and perhaps more, prominent members of Congress (and dozens of lobbyists) are rumored to be "Siegies" in deep undercover.

     Other than the Python-class "Siegie" deployed in 1989, the Crimson Guard served only in the United States and remained unchanged until 1991.  That year, Cobra Commander recognized certain Crimson Guardsmen with the rank of Crimson Guard Immortal.  When commanding the Crimson Guard and running Cobra business ventures became too much for Tomax and Xamot, the first Crimson Guard Commanders were deployed in 1993.  From 1993 to 1994, Cobra deployed Crimson Guards with individual code names utilizing standardized equipment from Crimson Guard Immortals and Iron Grenadier T.A.R.G.A.T.s.

     Since there are relatively few levels available in the Crimson Guard, Crimson Guardsmen follow a short chain of command.  While Cobra Commander maintains strict command of all aspects of the Crimson Guard, he dispatches his orders through the twins Tomax and Xamot and his top officers, the Crimson Guard Commanders.  One Crimson Guardsman to rise through the ranks and obtain an individual code name is Overlord.

     In 2004, G.I. Joe gathered intelligence on Operation Crimson Sabotage ("OCS").  While the true intent of this operation is still being investigated, it is known that the Crimson Guardsmen of the 1st Crimson Division deployed for "OCS" now carry combat shotguns instead of the rifles of the past and have heavier, bulkier helmets.  It appears that "OCS" is geared towards a close-quarter, urban engagement scenario, requiring insulated communications and heads-up display equipment installed into the "Siegie" helmet.  The deployments of the 2005 Crimson Guard Force and Crimson Shadow Guard have maintained this uniform.



COBRA Elite Trooper

Cobra Elite Trooper

Crimson Guard

Crimson Guard

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